
A centenary of the Battle of Mackov kamen
Photos: 16
Saturday, 20.9.2014 
Training of the Guard Members at
Photos: 24
Saturday, 20.9.2014 
Taking Oath Ceremony in Sombor
Photos: 18
Friday, 19.9.2014 
Day of Signal Brigade and Communication Service
Photos: 8
Friday, 19.9.2014 
Taking Oath Ceremony in Leskovac
Photos: 33
Friday, 19.9.2014 
Taking Oath Ceremony in Valjevo
Photos: 12
Friday, 19.9.2014 
Serbian Armed Forces Contingent seen off to UNFICYP
Photos: 16
Wednesday, 17.9.2014 
SAF Helps in Kladovo and Majdanpek
Photos: 8
Wednesday, 17.9.2014