Visit of the 1st Army Brigade

Thursday, 11.2.2021 | CHOD's Activities
Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Milan Mojsilović, visited today the members of the 1st Army Brigade stationed in the Novi Sad garrison.

During the visit, the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces attended a demonstration of the training of infantry company members preparing to be deployed to the peacekeeping mission in the Republic of Lebanon, reviewed the training capacities, and then gained insight into the unit's ability to maintain and repair means used by the brigade.

General Mojsilović pointed out that members of the 1st Army Brigade, in addition to the realization of tasks from the first mission, are ready to successfully respond to tasks that require preserving peace in the world, as well as numerous tasks of assistance to civilian authorities, as shown in the previous period, primarily in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic.

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