Exercise Activities of the 4th Army Brigade at "Borovac" Range

Wednesday, 23.6.2021 | Training
As part of the Joint Tactical Exercise with live fire "Lightning Strike 2021", at "Borovac" range near Bujanovac, personnel of the Fourth Army Brigade is conducting a tactical exercise and drills to perform an anti-insurgency operation.

In conditions close to real, the procedures and work of the command and units of the Serbian Armed Forces are practiced, from reconnaissance and detection of the enemy's battle formation to breaking up and destroying insurgent forces and stabilizing the situation.

Exercise activities at "Borovac" range are part of the Joint Tactical Exercise with live fire "Lightning Strike 2021", which is performed at eight locations throughout Serbia by units of the Army in cooperation with the Air Force and Air Defence, 72nd Special Operations Brigade and 63rd Parachute Brigade.

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