Regular Training of Tank Crews in 1st Army Brigade

Thursday, 20.1.2022 | Training
In the tank battalion of the 1st Army Brigade, regular collective training of professional staff and soldiers in the military service of armored units, equipped with M-84 tanks, is underway.

After the theory lessons in classrooms, the tank crews put them in practice on the tank gunner simulators, tank aiming and shooting simulators, as well as handling the fire control system and collective tank weapons.

Tactical exercises and program combat shooting are yet to be carried out, when the crew firepower skills necessary for performing assigned tasks will be checked in practice – by destroying enemy armored vehicles, manpower and other combat systems.

M-84 tanks are the main combat asset of tank battalions within the Army brigades. They are intended for fast, bold, sudden and strong combat actions, primarily in conducting the offensive component of combat operations, but also in anti-armor combat, which ensures them a leading role and importance in the SAF first and second missions.

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