HQ Battalion

The Training Command HQ battalion ensures the functioning of the TC in peace, the giving of military honors in the Belgrade garrison and the provision of accommodation and food in the sports and recreational military facility "Rajac".

HQ Battalion comprises HQ, HQ Company, Honour Company and sports and sports and recreational military facility "Rajac".

It is located in garrison Belgrade, in the barracks "Topčider".

Lieutenant Colonel Aleksandar Petrović is the Commander of the HQ Battalion.

Tasks of the TC HQ Battalion

Training Command HQ Battalion is tasked with:

  • Organization and provision of conditions for the work of the Training Command HQ,
  • Organization of military honors during military ceremonies, wreath laying ceremonies, funerals and cremations of the deceased and fallen servicemen and retired officers and NCOs in garrison Belgrade,
  • Protection of facilities in the barracks "Topčider".

The unit was established on January 13, 2011.

Contact Information

Address: 5, Gardijska St., 11 000 Belgrade
Phone: +381 (0) 3005-204
Fax: +381 (0) 2064-825
Email: kb.kzo@vs.rs