Soldiers оn Military Service Undergo Skills Assessment
Tuesday, 30.5.2023 | Training
An assessment of individual specialized skills of soldiers performing military service as of March 2023 has been completed at the SAF Training Centers today.
It came after the second training phase and involved soldiers of the infantry, artillery and engineer branch as well as those of the air defense artillery missile units and CBRN, Logistics, Telecommunications and ASEWG Services.
Over the last month and a half, at the Training Command Centers, they have been trained to perform tactical combat actions on the battlefield and handle different weapons, arms and military equipment in line with the specialties they were recruited for. Finally, during the two-day assessment, they performed a series of tasks for the success of which they needed to apply the obtained knowledge and skills.
Judging by the results, soldiers of the March class have mastered completely all the contents in this training phase and are ready for a more complex – collective training awaiting them in SAF units during the final three months of their military service.
As they complete their military service successfully, soldiers become eligible for admission to professional military service in the Serbian Armed Forces, in which most of them have already shown interest.