Preparations of Missileers for Live Firing against Aerial Targets

Tuesday, 25.4.2023 | Training
In the 250th Air Defence Missile Brigade units, final preparations are being made for conducting live firing against aerial targets, to be held at Firing Range “Shabla” in the Republic of Bulgaria.

This is the second phase of preparations for the combat crews of the “Neva” and “Kub” missile systems to perform joint firing with Bulgarian Armed Forces members, awaiting them in June this year.

Previously, during their regular training, the combat crews have completed firing practices and fire for record against simulated targets to prepare in the best possible way for launching missiles in real situations. At this stage, the focus is on refining the procedures for immediate preparation of materiel, identification, acquisition and engagement of aerial targets.

Soldiers and officers of missile-technical batteries, who will be responsible for controlling, checking, examining and arming missiles, are also actively involved in the preparations for performing this complex task.

It was in 2010 that SAF members engaged aerial targets from “Shabla” Range on the Black Sea coast for the first time. This year, apart from the 250 Missile Brigade missileers, the 204th Air Force Brigade air component will also take part in joint firing using MiG-29 planes.

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