Soldiers on Military Service Undergo Parachute Training

Monday, 20.5.2024 | Training
Soldiers of the December 2023 intake who are performing second part of their military service at the 63rd Parachute Brigade have successfully completed basic parachute training in this Serbian Armed Forces’ unit.

Last week, they performed parachute jumps to familiarize themselves with the maneuverability of parachutes, jumps which imply opening a reserve parachute, carrying personal weapons as well as additional cargo.

In order to access this training part, the soldiers first had to complete individual training at the Training Command centers, after which they joined the 63rd Parachute Brigade on a voluntary basis, where they successfully mastered the special operations tactics, firearms training and ground parachute training.

For that period of time, they acquired basic military knowledge, learned to handle modern weapons and equipment used by this elite SAF unit, improved their psychophysical fitness, mastered parachute jumping techniques and emergency procedures.

Upon successful completion of parachute training, the soldiers earned the title of “paratrooper”, the best of them being given an opportunity to become professional members of the Serbian Armed Forces’ special force units, which is something everyone from this class has already opted for.

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