High Competence of Members of 63rd Parachute Brigade

Tuesday, 15.8.2023 | Stories from Units
Members of the Serbian Armed Forces’ 63rd Parachute Brigade carry out continuously a variety of training, both in the area where they are based and outside their peacetime disposition, with the aim of preserving the unit's high level of combat readiness to carry out special force operations.

At one of the SAF training grounds, training of combat teams from this brigade is being carried out, as well as professional-specialist training of professional soldiers who were admitted to the unit under Project 5000 in early August, after completing successfully their selective training.

They have been visited today by Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff General Milan Mojsilović who attended a segment of combat training and execution of preparation firing from infantry weapons.

The combat teams practiced execution of a school-combat jump and actions by reconnaissance bodies using drones, while the newly recruited professional soldiers fired from the modern weapons the unit is equipped with, achieving excellent results.

Continuing his tour, General Mojsilović attended the final segment of training of participants of Basic Parachute Training tonight — execution of night jumps with the assault parachute.

Expressing his satisfaction with the demonstrated ability of soldiers and officers to carry out parachute jumps and reconnaissance operations and also effectively neutralize targets, their attitude towards tasks and high morale, the Chief of the General Staff has pointed out that members of this elite SAF unit are expected to be exceptionally trained and ready to perform any task assigned to them.

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