Presentation of Weapons, Military Equipment and Some Capabilities of Serbian Armed Forces “Flag 2023”
Friday, 15.9.2023 | Culture and traditions
Today, there has been a display of weapons, military equipment and some capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces “Flag 2023” in Niš on the occasion of marking the Day of Serbian Unity, Freedom and National Flag.
Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces and President of the Republic Aleksandar Vučić, together with Minister of Defense Miloš Vučević and Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff General Milan Mojsilović visited the display.
Following the presentation, the Supreme Commander congratulated Minister Vučević and General Mojsilović, and all members of the Ministry of Defense and Serbian Armed Forces, and assembled people as well, on the Day of Serbian Unity, Freedom and National Flag.
— We are living in a difficult time when the good news is so rare; however, today’s Serbia is much stronger, much more powerful than it was just a few years ago and it will continue to develop, not only in the military sense, but also in the economic one and in terms of the number of employees and kilometers of roads and railways built, as well as new hospitals and schools. That’s what we can be proud of and that’s what gives meaning to our flag, freedom and our unity — stressed President Vučić.
He congratulated all citizens and Serbs around the world on the Day of Serbian Unity, Freedom and National Flag.
— No matter how many borders there are separating us, no one can take away our belonging to the same kin; it is the same Serbian language, same Serbian Tricolor — red-blue-white. We will never renounce that, and we will always belong to the same nation and proudly emphasize that - said President Vučić.
Speaking of the Serbian Armed Forces, he has pointed out that we received significant reinforcements in weapons and equipment that day and previous week and that more of that is still to come.
— We continue to develop, and we are investing huge amounts of money, disproportionately large in relation to our economic strength. However, we are the only militarily neutral country in this region - this is also the case with Bosnia and Herzegovina - but de facto entirely surrounded by countries that belong to a single military bloc. We want to preserve jealously our military neutrality and take care of our own sky, our country and our children ourselves, and we will continue to do so in the future. We will not belong to any bloc. We are proud of the fact that we are a free and freedom-loving country, and we are proud of our red-blue-white Tricolor, and we are proud of our strong and increasingly efficient armed forces. Long live Serbia and happy holiday to everyone — said President Vučić.
At today's display in Nis, combat and non-combat systems, numerous weapons, military equipment, as well as products of the Serbian defense industry were exhibited.
Members of the Serbian Armed Forces demonstrated some of their abilities, from driving combat vehicles, performing martial arts, handling cold weapons, overcoming vertical obstacles, working with MWDs, to descending from a helicopter by rope and doing parachute jumps.
The display rounded off with a flyover of AF and AD planes and helicopters.