Training for Technical Maintenance of Serbian Armed Forces’ Aircraft

Wednesday, 22.5.2024 | Training
Technical training with UTVA 75 school plane has taken place at the Air Force and Air Defense Training Center at the “Colonel-Pilot Milenko Pavlović” Military Airfield in Batajnica over the last two weeks.

This is an important training segment intended for technical personnel of the aviation brigades and a necessary step to obtaining a certificate for maintenance and specialist technical inspections of aircraft within the Serbian Armed Forces’ armament.

The training activity was attended by NCOs of the aviation-technical specialty from the 204th Aviation Brigade; during their training at the Center, they trained to work with this type of aircraft in a proper and safe manner.

The participants mastered first degree theoretical and practical training for aircraft maintenance and undertaking prescribed procedures when checking the functioning of aircraft engines, electrical assemblies and equipment for communication, navigation and pilot rescue.

Technical training with UTVA 75 aircraft is only one of the forms of training of SAF technical staff conducted at the AF and AD Training Center throughout the year. This is a way to get qualified staff of aviation-technical specialty, which is of primary importance for the high availability and proper functioning of aircraft in the armament of the Serbian Armed Forces.

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