Minister Gašić visits Serbian Armed Forces General Staff

Thursday, 9.5.2024 | Stories from Units
Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić visited the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff today. With honour guard standing at attention, Minister Gašić was welcomed by the Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, and members of his expanded board.

The Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff welcomed Minister Gašić to the General Staff, wished him much success in his new role and informed him that the readiness level of the Serbian Armed Forces is high, that the situation is stable, and that it allows the execution of assigned missions and tasks.

During the meeting, the Minister of Defence was presented with basic information about the Serbian Armed Forces, their organization and structure, dispositions, missions and tasks, as well as strategic planning documents relating to the development of the defence system. There was also talk about the military-strategic assessment of the security situation in the Republic of Serbia.

According to Minister Gašić, assuming the role of the minister of defence is a great honour for him, but at the same time a great responsibility. He said that, with the support of the President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, and Prime Minister Miloš Vučević, he will continue to strengthen the Serbian Armed Forces, following the path mapped out in 2012, which produced good results and will not be deviated from in the years ahead.
– I am convinced that during my term in office, I will be able to rely on the support of the Chief of the General Staff, General Mojsilović, and the most senior leaders and managers in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces with a common goal – to preserve our fatherland and the safety of all its citizens. The Serbian Armed Forces are made up of experienced professionals, patriots who carry out every task they are assigned conscientiously and responsibly, proving that they are our strong support in these challenging times for our country – Minister Gašić said.

According to him, we closely monitor the events taking place in the surrounding countries and around the world, we increase our capabilities and strive to keep pace with more modern armies, so that we can respond to all challenges, risks and threats.

– In the period ahead, the acquisition of modern weapons and military equipment will continue to be our top priority, but also the care for the wellbeing of every member of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence, continuing a trend of improvement in their material status and position, so that those whose calling is to serve Serbia are financially secure – said Minister Gašić.

Minister Gašić told the citizens of our country that they should have full confidence in their armed forces, in their determination and ability to fulfil their constitutional and legal role and carry out every task assigned to them by the state leadership.

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