Minister of Defense Visited Army Command

Wednesday, 22.5.2024 | Stories from Units
Minister of Defense Bratislav Gašić has visited the Army Command in Niš today accompanied by Deputy Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff Lieutenant General Želimir Glišović.

At the meeting with the most responsible officers of the Army Command, the Minister of Defense was presented with the organizational structure and priority tasks of that arm of the Serbian Armed Forces; the most important issues relevant to the Army were also discussed.

As Minister Gašić has pointed out, during the meeting they also discussed the tasks that Army members have been performing responsibly, professionally and successfully along the administrative line with Kosovo and Metohija and in the Ground Safety Zone for years, preserving the peace and security of all our citizens, for which Minister expressed his deep acknowledgement.

— We all witnessed how much the Army had been strengthened in the recent period, acquiring modern weapons and military equipment, but also how ready its members had been to respond to all assigned tasks, as well as to provide assistance to our citizens whenever needed. Special importance is attached to the equipping and development of the Army, and this trend will continue in the future with the support of the state and military leadership, having in mind that modern weapons and well-equipped and trained soldiers are the key to the success of all armies in these challenging times — Minister of Defense emphasized. 

After today’s meeting at the Army Command, Minister Gašić visited the memorial room and display of some of the Army weapons and military equipment.

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