Overhaul in Aeronautical Institute

Institute has mastered the process of overhaul for all devices, performing it completely independently, with the participation of a small number of manufacturers for the overhaul of certain components.


Aircraft Overhaul

In its overhaul program, Aircraft Institute ‘Moma Stanojlovic’ has aircrafts of domestic origin (‘Orao, ‘Galeb G-2, ‘Supergaleb G-4, ‘Utva-75’) and foreign origin (‘Mig-21’, ‘Gazelle and Mi-8). With the support of foreign partners, the Institute has participated in the overhaul of the plane ‘Mig-29’ and helicopter Mi-17. 

Overhaul, Repair and Testing of Engines and Transmissions 

Special technological unit in the Institute is the overhaul of drive groups and transmissions. General overhaul is conducted here, as well as repairing malfunctions of turbo shaft engines and piston plane engines, as well as medium overhaul of turbo charged gasoline engines and regulative work on jet engines.

General overhaul and repairing malfunctions of turbo shaft engines (АSTAZOU IIIB и АSTAZOU XIVH), piston plane engine (Lycoming IO-360B1F).

Medium overhaul of turbo charged gasoline engines (2ПВ8 and 2ПВ8-1).

Repairing malfunctions of turbo shaft engines (ТВ2-117А and АSTAZOU XIVM), piston plane engines (Lycoming AEIO 540LB5D and engine АШ-62ИР), turbo charged gasoline engines (2ПВ8; 2ПВ8-1; ГТД-5М) and regulative work on jet engines type (ММ and VIPER).

General overhaul of mechanical transmission components on helicopter „Gazelle“ and Mi-8 (main rotor head, main reducer, rudder reducer, tail reducer, tail rotor), diagonal beam, horizontal beam and merge beam of helicopter ‘Gazelle’ and tail beam of helicopter Mi-8.

Overhaul of Aircraft Equipment and Armament 

Overhaul of instrumental (fine mechanic, gyro and oxigen equipment), electronic equipment (aircrafts from the overhaul program of the Institute, electronic equipment of  land signal devices), electro-equipment (aircrafts, land devices,  conducting changes and modification on electrical equipment, producing electric installations in aircrafts), oxigen and flying equipment (school, pilot, assault, drag and sports parachutes) of the Institute and armament of airplanes and helicopters. We also overhaul land radio navigation devices and signal devices. 

Overhaul of aviation armament (live armament, bombing armament, missile launchers). Overhaul of pilots seats type „Martin Baker“, „Folland“, КМ-1М, КМ-36 and spare parts for pilot seats.  

During the overhaul process, all technological operations are conducted according to the prescribed procedure, which provides the equipment with renewing the between-overhaul resource. 

AD Missile Technical Systems Overhaul 

Medium overhaul and repairing malfunctions of AD missile systems (‘Kub’ and ‘Neva’) and radar systems (1РЛ-128, ПРВ 9/16, ПРВ-11, П-12, П-15).

Missile Systems Overhaul 

General overhaul of air to air missiles (Р-60К, Р-60МК, К-13, Р-3Р, Р-13М), repairing malfunctions of missile Р-73Е, small repairs of missile Р-27Р1, repairing malfunctions of missile air–land and overhaul of hidraulic-actuator system (АГМ-65Б „Maverick“) and repairing radar head of missile land–air (3М9МЕ and 3М9М3Е).

Moto Technical Resources Overhaul

General overhaul and overhaul of malfunctions of great number of special vehicles and signal system devices (compressor station АКЗС-75М, nitrogen station УГЗС-МА-131СР, electric generators АПА-4М, АПА-35М, АПА-50, ЕДС-20, hydro-generators УПГ-250, УПГ-300, electric power stations ДЕС60/230, high pressure compressor УВВП-1М, fuel transport tank ФАП13С/АЦ, fuel tank ГМ-22 and ГМ-22М, reflector АПМ-90, headlights КНС-1 and КНС-4П, electric starter АДПС 28/600, nitrogen filler ЗВ-1С/Б, instrumental landing device ПРМГ-5, special liquid filler ЗСЖ-66, alcohol filler ВСЖ-66, climatizer АМК-24/56-131).