Gun Salute on...

Gun Salute on Occasion of Victory Day

05/08/2024 | Culture and traditions
Victory Day Gun...

Victory Day Gun Salute

05/08/2023 | Culture and traditions
Gun Salutes to Mark...

Gun Salutes to Mark Day of Victory Over Fascism

05/08/2022 | Culture and traditions
Gun Salute to Mark...

Gun Salute to Mark Victory Day

05/08/2021 | Culture and traditions
Gun salute on the...

Gun salute on the occasion of Victory Day

05/08/2020 | Culture and traditions

'DEFENCE OF FREEDOM' has shown the strength of Serbia

05/10/2019 | News Serbian President and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, assessed today's demonstration as 'very good'.
Gun Salute to Mark...

Gun Salute to Mark the Day of Victory

05/08/2019 | Culture and traditions Celebration of 9th May – Day of Victory over fascism in the Second World War was initiated today with honorary artillery volleys fired from the Sava Terrace in Kalemegdan.
Salvo on the Victory...

Salvo on the Victory Day

05/08/2018 | Culture and traditions On the occasion of 9th May - the Day of Victory over Fascism, members of the Serbian Armed Forces Guard fired a salvo of ten volleys from six artillery pieces on the Sava Terrace at Kalemegdan.
Salvo on the...

Salvo on the occasion of Victory Day

05/08/2014 | Culture and traditions On the occasion of 9 May, the Day of Victory in the Second World War, by firing 10 volleys from six pieces of artillery, members of the Serbian Army Guard have conducted today salvo from the Sava terrace at Kalemegdan. The salvo was attended by Mr Zoran Djordjevic, State Secretary at the Ministry of Defence, Brigadier General Milomir Todorovic, Commander of the Guard, and many citizens.