Tour of the...

Tour of the Technical Test Centre

07/10/2024 | Stories from Units
Marking the...

Marking the Technical Test Centre Jubilee

12/14/2023 | Culture and traditions
Congratulations to...

Congratulations to Members of the Technical Test Centre

03/21/2019 | CHOD's Activities The Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, Lieutenant General Milan Mojsilović has extended his congratulations to the Technical Test Centre on the Day of the Institution – 22 March.
Minister of Defence...

Minister of Defence Visits Flight Test Centre

02/12/2019 | News Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin, accompanied by the Commander of the Air Force and Air Defence, Major General Duško Žarković has visited today an aircraft division of the Technical Test Centre at the Batajnica Airfield.
President Vučić:...

President Vučić: We will continue investing in the Serbian Armed Forces

07/29/2018 | News President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić attended firing from the armaments used by the Serbian Armed Forces and armaments under development, on the Nikinci testing ground.
Major Robert Kaloci...

Major Robert Kaloci Buried

04/13/2018 | News Major Robert Kaloci, the pilot who was tragically killed as the G-4 Super Galeb plane crashed, was buried today at the Great Catholic Cemetery in Sombor with the highest military honours.
Unexploded air bomb...

Unexploded air bomb remaining from of World War II was destroyed

12/30/2013 | News At the Center for ttesting of weapons and military equipment Technical Test Center in Nikinci today at 10:45 minutes an unexploded air bomb remaining from of World War II was destroyed which was found on 7 December and excavated in Budimska Street in Belgrade after which it was transported on the night between 7 at 8 December to Nikinci.