Serbian Tankmen...

Serbian Tankmen Infallible at Firing

08/02/2017 | International Co-operation Since the opening of the International Military Games, the members of Serbian Armed Forces have been achieving notable results at the International Military Games in the Russian Federation.
Final Preparations...

Final Preparations of Tankmen for the International Military Games

07/26/2017 | Training The SAF members, who are to defend the colours of our country at the forthcoming International Military Games in the Russian Federation, are conducting final preparations on Russian combat vehicles.
Chief of General...

Chief of General Staff sees off members of the Serbian Armed Forces to International Military Games

07/21/2017 | CHOD's Activities Last night, Chief of General Staff, General Ljubiša Diković saw off the SAF members who departed from Belgrade airport “Nikola Tesla” for Moscow, to participate in the International Military Games.