Dog Training Centre

Dog Training Centre is intended to conduct individual specialist training of veterinary service personnel and the training of personnel from that field, as well as for dog training and retraining, reproduction, breeding, and health care of dogs for the needs of the defence system.

The unit is located in the Niš garrison in the "Knjaz Mihailo" barracks.

The Dog Training Centre consists of a command, a logistics department, a training company and a reproduction and breeding company.

The commander of the Centre is Colonel Zdenko Cvijetić.

Tasks of the Dog Training Centre are:

The tasks of the Dog Training Centre are:

  • Training, advanced training and training of personnel of the veterinary service for professional soldiers, candidates for non-commissioned officers, non-commissioned officers, civilians and other persons from the citizens and abroad
  • Organization and implementation of courses for additional training for the needs of the veterinary service;
  • Dog training and retraining
  • Reproduction and breeding of dogs
  • Dog health care
  • Providing intellectual services from its activities to persons and institutions outside the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence.

Training in the Dog Training Centre

The following professional-specialist courses are realized in the Dog Training Centre:

  • Training course for guide dogs and training of guard service dogs
  • Training course for guide dogs and redressing of guard service dogs
  • Course for guide dogs and training of guard dogs
  • Service dog guide course for redressing service dog service dogs
  • Course for guide dogs and training of service dogs for special operations
  • Course for service dog guides and service dog training for searching under rubble and avalanches
  • Course for guide dogs and training of search service dogs
  • Service dog guide course for redressing search dog service dogs
  • Course for guide dogs and training of service dogs for finding mines and explosives
  • Course of guide dogs for redressing service dogs for finding mines and explosives
  • Course for guide dogs and training of service dogs for finding psychoactive substances
  • Service dog guide course for redressing service dogs for finding psychoactive substances
  • Course for guide dogs and training of service dogs for finding mines and unexploded ordnance

Traditions of the Dog Trainind Centre

The Dog Training Centre was established in September 2020 through the reorganization of the Company for the Training of Guide Dogs, Breeding and Dog Training from the Logistics Training Centre.

The Dog Training Centre continues the tradition of the 40th SSNO Guide Dog and Dog Training Centre, established on October 21, 1957, under the name Dog Training Centre, the 40th Veterinary Training Centre and the Dog Guide Training, Breeding and Training Company from Logistics Training Centre.

Address: Čegarska st, 18 000 Niš
Phone: +381 (0) 18 508 543
Fax: +381 (0) 18 508 811

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