Exchange of...

Exchange of Experience in Field of Flight Safety

04/26/2024 | International Co-operation
Exchange of...

Exchange of Experience in the Field of Cyber Security

03/08/2024 | International Co-operation
Visit by Chief of U....

Visit by Chief of U. S. National Guard Bureau

06/07/2023 | International Co-operation
SAF Member Wins...

SAF Member Wins "Best Warrior" Competition

05/08/2023 | International Co-operation
Visit to United...

Visit to United States of America

02/03/2023 | International Co-operation
Expert Talks on...

Expert Talks on Flight Safety in Air Operations

09/09/2022 | International Co-operation
Visit from Adjutant...

Visit from Adjutant General of Ohio National Guard

09/12/2019 | International Co-operation Today, in Belgrade, Chief of General Staff of Serbian Armed Forces General Milan Mojsilović met Adjutant General of Ohio National Guard Major General John Harris, who is, with his delegation, staying in several days long visit to the Republic of Serbia.